Location | Artist |
1D1320 | Nwar Luxe 773-599-3430 contact@nwarluxe.com nwarluxe.com |
1D1315 | Weisenhaus, Deborah Art of Imagination 773-682-0342 info@artofimagination.com |
1D1325 | Watson, Gwendolyn The Art of Being Dressed 773-344-5451 |
1D1330 | Watson, Gwendolyn The Art of Being Dressed 773-344-5451 |
1D1340 | Brian Holliday Artist, LLC 872-230-1214 info@brianhollidayartist.com www.brianhollidayartists.com |
1D1345 | Art of Imagination 773-682-0342 info@artofimagination.com |
1D1350 | Terry Ross Ross Contemporary 630-750-6621 www.rosscontemporary.com |
1D1355 | Old Mary Vintage 312-735-1546 meortiz3500@gmail.com oldmaryvintage@gmail.com |
1D1360 | Tammaro, Joshua Vanity Picture Booth 773-729-6319 info@vanitypicturebooth.com |
Location | Artist |
0A1010 | Wateriders LLC 312-953-9287 info@wateriders.com |
0A1020 | Greenstar Movement |
0A1030 | Gupton, Brian |
0A1040 | Sam, Eddie Wong, Gary |
0A1045 | Carr, Carla |
0A1048 | O’Shea, Michael |
0A1055 | Crew U |
0A1060 | Salazar, Moises |
0B2000 | Lin, I Min |
0B2010 | Chiang, Tsia-Chen |
0B2015 | Chen, Jin Simple Life Therapy LLC simplelifetheory@gmail.com |
0B2022 | Ayoade, Mukaila |
0B2030 | The Dozer Company |
0B2050 | Lance’s Gym |
0C3010 | Spread The News |
0C3020 | GLC Vending |
0C3030 | Yoga In Vogue |
0C3040 | Huff, Yorli |
0C3050 | Borlovan, Cristian |
0C3055 | Ramsey, Kristy |
0C3060 | Ruff, David |
0C3065 | Madina the Artist |
0B3070 | Ford, Alicia Latewood Design |
0C3080 | Niffy African Store 847-366-0282 laratayo2001@yahoo.com |
0C3090 | Maxi Windows |
0D4000 | Armstrong Fine Art |
0D4010 | Chapman, Harold |
0D4020 | Del Sol Printing |
0D4025 | Coolie Chi Aaron Coleman/Giles Travis 312-358-3378 cooliechi2019@gmail.com |
0D4035 | Shippee, Larry |
0D4040 | Madina, Nuri |
0E5010 | Chicago Maritime Museum |
0E5030 | Ferrari, Virginio Ferrari Studios |
0E5040 | Walnut Spaceship |
0E5045 | Skowronski, Matthew |
0F6007 | Chicago Cares |
0F6008 | Central City Production |
0F6010 | Show Strategy, Inc. |
0F6011 | Art Glass Systems |
0F6013 | Carr, Carla |
0F6016 | Asiko House of Foods |
0F6018 | Studio/Gang/Architects |
Location | Artist |
1C1205 | Pretty Smoke LLC |
1C1210 | Mott, Richard |
1C1220 | Community Care Alliance |
1D1300 | 8A5E |
1D1305 | Professional Chemical Services, Inc. |
1D1310 | Sprinkle Dazzle Collective 312-569-9655 dazzleme@sprinkledazzlecollective.com |
1D1315 | Art of Imagination |
1D1320 | Artfully Autistic |
1D1325 | Watson, Gwendolyn Art of Being Dressed |
1D1340 | TM GUSE |
1D1345 | Art of Imagination |
1D1360 | Workshop Apothecary tanya@workshopapothecary.com |
1E1410 | Art of Imagination |
1E1415 | Gonzalez, Rose |
1E1420 | Show Strategy, Inc. |
1E1430 | Beca Imports |
1E1435 | Distribuidora Los Altos De Jalisco |
1E1460 | Anzy Supply, Inc. |
1E1440 | Nr Bro Trading, LLC |
1E1455 | Distribuidora Los Altos De Jalisco |
Location | Artist |
3A3102 | TaxCred Academy |
3A3105 | Urban Growers Collective, Inc |
3A3110 | Innovative Scholars |
3A3120 | Helen Dannely |
3A3120 | Jeff Hirst |
3A3140 | Stewart, Patricia 773-343-4074 wetpaintbrush@msn.com |
3A3150 | MIRO Development, LLC |
3A3160 | Urban Growers Collective, Inc. |
3A3180 | Del Sol Printing |
3B3200 | Peer Foods Group, Inc. |
3B3210 | Rivetna Architects, Inc. |
3B3220 | Karen I. Hirsch Photography |
3B3230 | Esserman, Ruth |
3B3240 | Brasch, Jens |
Location | Artist |
4D4056 | Dr. Stitch Patterson, Patrick |
4D4058 | Herr, Mary Beth |
4D4400 | Project Onward 773-940-2992 info@projectonward.org |
4D4405 | Beach, Carole By Hand Papers 313-399-6163 carolejbeach@gmail.com carolebeach.com |
4D4410 | Nix, Christian See Through My Lens shuttervisions26@gmail.com |
4D4415 | Brooks, Vincent |
4D4420 | Abu Jnaed, Malika |
4D4425 | Beck, Ashton |
4D4430 | Hodges, Jennifer |
4D4435 | Hoover, LaToya |
4D4440 | Barnes-Davis, Janice |
4D4445 | Red Rabbit Army redrabbitarmy@yahoo.com |
4D4450 | Olea, Adelaido |
4D4455 | The Art of Chris Pappan Pappan, Chris chrispappan@gmail.com |
4D4465 | Mestiza Chicago |
4D4470 | Fat Miilk lan@fatmiilk.com |
4D4475 | Smith, Donaldo |
4D4480 | Carolina Pet Company |
4D4485 | M28 Photography mack@m28photography.com |
4E3001 | Jackson, Cylk |
4E3005 | Rosenbaum, Frank |
4E3010 | Pamela Staker 312-925-0989 pamela@pamelastaker.com |
4E3015 | McCoy, Samuel |
4E3025 | Larue-Taylor, Kelvin Taylor Larue Media |
4E3030 | Sansing, Max |
4E3035 | Shaffer, Barbara |
4E3040 | Scott Buxtin Photography |
4E3045 | Sanchez, Felipe |
4E3050 | The Butterfly Group |
4E3055 | Wet Paint Chicago |
4F4001 | Staat, Rose rgstaat@gmail.com |
4F4002 | Mitchell, Christine |
4F4004 | McNeal, Richard |
4F4004 | Collins, Courtney |
4F4003 | Moon in Pocket |
4F4006 | Stay Focused Network, LLC |
4F4007 | Irresistible Attraction |
4F4008 | Turner, Joseph |
4F4009 | Delestowicz-Wierzbowski, Lora www.loradw.com |
4F4009 | Wierzbowski, Stephen Wierzbowski LLC swierzbowski53@gmail.com 312-909-9215 |
4F4010 | Kaufman, Mike |
4F4011 | Wasserman, Tamara |
4F4012 | McKay, Alexandra |
4F4014 | Buman, Laurie |
4F4015 | Zehnder, Mary |
4F4016 | Winston, Jamesetta |
4F4017 | Dvorak, Carla |
4F4018 | Maltz, Richard |
4F4019 | Yaounde Olu |
4F4020 | Kamp, Allen |
4F4022 | RahmaanStatik Services |
4F4025 | Joshua Brown Black Relics 708-704-7386 |
4F4027 | Moore, Angelica |
4F4029 | Rebechini, Renae |
4F4031 | Borrero, John |
4F4034 | Rothenberger, Karl |
4F4036 | Bracken, Ursula |
4F4037 | Long, Elisabeth |
4F4038 | Hollander, Brian |
4F4039 | Veronica Heitz Clinical Therapy |
4F4040 | Jones, Lyntuan |
4F4040 | Traveling Light Studio Jennifer Geraghty 312-608-4823 |
4F4042 | Julianne Stopper Llio Sophia lliosophia.art@gmail.com 610-334-6567 |
4F4046 | Havlis, Sally |
4F4048 | Hanley, Anne |
4F4050 | Roullier, Patrick |
4F4052 | Camper, Fred |
4F4054 | Her Love Art/Indigo Fiber Art 773-841-2100 info@indigofiberarts.com |
4F4060 | Friedman, Lisa 773-655-7229 lisafriedman70@gmail.com |
Location | Artist |
5A1020 | Coleman, Aaron My Bounce Media mybouncemedia@gmail.com |
5A1030 | Langworthy, Alissar |
5A1040 | Baker-Brown, Suzanne |
5A1090 | Reinvent Life Treatment Center 773-887-3335 reinventtreatmentcenter@gmail.com |
5A2000 | Patschke, Nathaniel |
5A2005 | Davis-Luster, Karla Karla’s Kloset |
5A2010 | Ash, Libby |
5A2020 | Carol Brookes Art, Inc. Brookes, Carol carolsbrookes@yahoo.com 312-560-3064 |
5B5200 | Vaduva, Ilie |
5B5210 | Chicago Contemporary Dance Theatre |
5B5220 | Lussier, Samantha |
5B5230 | Make Up Fetish Studio 312-588-9306 makeupfetish@yahoo.com |
5B5240 | Morishita, Joyce |
5C5400 | Chicago Ceramic Center info@chicagoceramiccenter.com chicagoceramiccenter.com |
5C5422 | Abbamonte, Nick |
5C5430 | Ghenciu, Maria Mioara |
5C5433 | Carlson, Robin |
5C5434 | Gozo, Set 773-372-5508 setgozo@hotmail.com |
5C5441 | Adelman, Max |
5C5444 | Keer, Jacqueline jackie.keer1@gmail.com |
5C5445 | Scott, Adam |
5C5446 | Chin, Melissa |
5C5447 | Sanders, Stephanie |
5C5450 | CreatiVets |
5D5300 | Greer, Ellis |
5D5305 | Meena Osei-Kuffour The Vintage Royalty |
5D5310 | Thomas, Maurice |
5D5310 | Not Your Fashion Icon 312-823-7487 |
5D5320 | On The Edge Prints ontheedgeprints@gmail.com |
5D5335 | Kendall Miles inquiries@kendallmilesdesigns.com |
5D5340 | Mogul D |
5D5350 | Revolving Collective |
5D5355 | Styles by Dave dnorth1108@gmail.com |
5D5360 | Davis-Luster, Karla |
5D5365 | Cobalt Street |
5D5370 | Axe, Molly |
5D5380 | He, Lili |
5D5385 | R.P Couture LLC |
5D5390 | Caldwell, Derryl |
5D5395 | Blalark, Kammarra |
5D5400 | DC Mad Hatter Caldwell, Derryl |
5D5401 | Bibbs, Bryana |
5D5402 | Martinez, Rebecca |
5D5404 | Wilson, Tawana |
5D5410 | Richardson, Alexandria |
5E5315 | Alford, Carson |
5E5500 | Matthew & Drnovsek Law, LLC |
5E5515 | Art of Imagination |
5E5520 | Wulfers, Monica |
5E5540 | Wulfers, Monika |
5E5545 | Promote Talent Agency 773-475-6280 promotetalentagency@gmail.com |
5E5550 | Tyler, Lynna |
5E5555 | Aileen Kelleher, LCSW 312-620-6329 aileen.kelleher86@gmail.com |
5E5560 | Sikorski, Justin Sikorski Engineering |
5E5565 | Hopkins, Mark |
1200 W. 35th Street, Chicago, IL 60609
(Enter on North side off of Racine Ave / 34th Place)
Free parking North lot
Monday — Saturday 8 AM — 6 PM
Sunday 8 AM — 12 PM